Poetry for me is a way of living, it comes out of nowhere and I have to write it down. How I write, what I write, I decide. I am not asking you to be judgemental. I am gifted with the ability to see beyond the obvious.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Deep within
not to reveal it,
deep within your heart
I can feel love and care.
my eyes fill with tears
for both of us
as I do not reciprocate
but am overwhelmed by
the depth of your feelings.
I am well aware
I do not deserve it,
but you can't help it.
the same way as I can't
force my feelings
however much I have tried
not to hurt you.
God knows, I did!
I think I finally got over my holiday hangover to pour out poetry! Let the words come! (looking heavenwards!)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Bhai dooj....bonding between brothers and sisters
Only in
The name 'Dooj' means the second day after the new moon, the day of the festival, and 'Bhai' means brother. Every brother eagerly awaits this occasion that reinforces the bond between brothers and sisters and their affectionate relationship. It's an opportunity for a good feast at the sister's place, coupled with an enthusiastic exchange of gifts, and merriment amid the resounding of conch shells.
Legend says Yamaraj, the Lord of Death and the Custodian of Heaven and Hell, visits his sister Yami, who puts the auspicious mark on his forehead and prays for his well being. So it's held that anyone who receives a tilak from his sister on this day would never be hurled into hell.
According to another legend, on this day, Lord Krishna, after slaying the Narakasura demon, goes to his sister Subhadra who welcomes him with aarti, flowers and sweets, and puts the holy protective spot on her brother's forehead.
Yet another story behind the origin of Bhai Dooj says that when Mahavir, the founder of Jainism, attained nirvana, his brother King Nandivardhan was distressed because he missed him and was comforted by his sister Sudarshana. Since then, women have been revered during Bhai Dooj.
Like all other Hindu festivals, Bhai Dooj too has got a lot to do with family ties and social attachments. It serves as a good time, especially for a married girl, to get together with her own family, and share the post-Diwali glee.
Today being Bhai Dooj, my brothers came over and after the ceremonies was over, I cooked for them. Post lunch, we just chatted with each other, reliving the times of our childhood, mercilessly taking sides and generally having a good time.Yet again I found that such bonds can never be broken, no matter what.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Some things never change

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Niggling Doubts
nothing left to salvage of
what was once a beautiful relationship.
only debris which needs to be cleaned
to be thrown away like garbage,
not be thought of again.
as all has to be spick and span
for a fresh start with a clean slate.
this niggling pain,
which refuses to let go
and forbids me
to say goodbye to you?
Before all of you assume that I am being, well, you know what I mean..I must tell you that I wrote it for an exercise named two word challenge. You can find that here. It has to have the two words "say goodbye" in any piece..prose/poetry... one writes.
Monday, October 16, 2006
stop thinking
because thoughts never did help anyone.
at times we just need to feel,
do things intuitively
going with the flow;
not reason it out
or fight it out.
inner conflicts which do not resolve
despite best efforts.
if we do not face it
squarely and bravely
even though our mind rejects.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Reunion.....Euphoria is yet to go...
Suddenly a female comes and exclaims,"Gautami?"
I say,"yes, but who are you?"
"Meena",she says.
I don't recognise her at all. I know a lot of Meenas. I can't place her. But I don't want to let her know that. I ask her about what's new in her life, all the while trying to recollect. My mom knows what I am trying to do but before she can react, Meena says,"you know, Rina is in the teaching faculty of Indian Statistical Institue, Delhi."
Everything fell into place after that. I knew only one Rina with a sister named Meena. I turned toward my mom and said, "this is Meena, Rina's kid sister."
My mom did remember. She always used to ask me about Rina's whereabouts.
And only then I hugged her tight, right in the middle of the market, not hearing or seeing anything else. It was a huge surprise.
Rina and I had been in school in the same class, we travelled by the same school bus, staying very near each other. We used to be at each others place so much so that it was surpprising that we had lost touch after school. Her family had moved to Calcutta. And that was that. I was meeting her sister after 23 years. I don't know how she recognised me but I did not recognise her. I remembered Meena as a little girl who was always underfoot.
Meena told me they had been staying in the same area as we, since 1992 and we had shifted to this part in 1994. There was barely 1 km distance between us.I had not bumped on her before this.
Biggest part was yet to happen. I wanted to meet Rina. I invited myself to their place. I was thrilled to see her mom. Her dad had passed away 11 years back.
I can't describe how I felt meeting Rina. Needless to say, we ended up incoherent, crying, hugging and well, just being ourselves...
Two school friends meeting for the first time after 23 years. ....Though it's 5 days now, I can't get over it and neither has she..I am so happy I finally found her or so as to speak her sister found me....
We have a lot of catching up to do...but nothing matters as we are still those silly giggly school girls with each other.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
if you persist
in being that close to me;
I will have to find
a way to plunge myself
into your luminous soul.
Hey friends, thanks to you all my muse is now alive and kicking.....despite my mood swings....
Simply being a female
all of a sudden
nothing makes sense
even though my mind knows
but my tongue lets loose
and I behave like a virago
bitchy and unreasonable
to all those who try to reason it out
i leave them bewildered till it dawns
it's that time of the month
when no reason will get through me
to my mixed feelings, angry thoughts.
one has only to understand
this is all temporary
lasting a few days
and i get back to my
sunny, smiling self
unreasonable in other ways
which is more bearable….
Well, as we all know PMS makes us this way....
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Dodging thoughts
plummeting into the abyss
which lies in the cavern of my mind
often enough I think
is that all I can do
to save myself from this misery
by ignoring it all
keeping it bottled up
saying not a word to a soul
but talking to myself
drowning in my thoughts
a happy smiling exterior
shown to the world that
all is well within me
while I die a million death
each day of my life
will I heal ever
have I given in?
My muse has returned after a while. Don't know how long it will stay. Nothing like heart breaking thoughts to make the muse work overtime....
Friday, October 06, 2006
Tragey strikes. Whose fault?
Today when I started for school, I saw lots of people in our apartment standing in the central park in groups talking in hushed voices. Most mornings I see many people doing exercises or yoga out there. Today no one was at it. But I was in a hurry. I was getting late for school so I didn't stop and ask anyone. When I got back, I still saw hoards of people and before I could ask, someone came and told me that a boy had been electrocuted by one of the electric poles within the apartment blocks and had died on the spot before anything could be done.
Why does one think of safety after tragedy strikes?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Festivities over? Not likely by Indian standards

Ravana is vanquished by burning his effigy symbolically along with his brother Kumbhakarna and son Meghnath. Rama starts for Ayodhya with his brother, Lakshman. He will reach on there Diwali.

These traditions and customs just draw us in maybe because they send us messages of togetherness, love and being there with each other in times of happiness as well as need. Such timeless emotions, feelings and thoughts can never change. We long for all that. In the rat race for survival, we forget all these which are reinforced year after year.
Now I know for sure...my cynicism has gone to the dogs till Diwali...
Wait on guys, it's not over yet.
(to be contd)
Monday, October 02, 2006
Festivities, anyone?
Our autumn break starts with the onset of the Navratris (Nine nights) prior to Vijaydashami or Dusshera. Each day of the navratris, Goddess Durga is worshipped in one of her numerous manifestations who is trying to save the world by fighting with Mahisasur (a demon in the form of a buffalo). Finally Goddess vanquishes the demon wchich culminates in Vijayadashami. On the other hand, the battle between Rama and Ravana is played out and Rama kills Ravana. Various ways of celebrations in various parts of India. But each one has the same message. Goodness winning over evil. But that only happens in mythological stories. In real life, I always see evil winning over goodness.
But that's not what I am trying to say. I am kind of cynical but I get caught up in all this. Somehow I am drawn into it. Despite vowing that I will not be a part of all this, I end up a sucker for all this. When my friends come calling, I go out with them without as much a protest.
Seems like my cynicism is a smokescreen!!!
(to be cont)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Any answers?
Why do certain people want others to follow what they are thinking? Why do they want to tire the other with the sheer weight of their words? To make a particular point, they go on and on. The point is, I always miss it (the point, that is) if it is kind of forced upon me.
I deal with such people with silence on my part. Is there any other way?