what chains tie her
what deranged mind did this
the haze in the mind chains her,
the strain has almost deranged her
lying there, she thinks of filet
hunger does not allow to feign pride
enflame, her eyes burn
she shivers wishing for her cape
thoughts of rescue help sustain
while we exchange glances
she will not cave in
that is not an option at all
my story is all so false,
she chose to lie on the bright floor
surrounded by floral walls
to be photographed as a victim
of domestic violence
or maybe something else
"words turn around the mind.
helplessly we give in"
Is that a choice... or what is it.. you might for sure wonder.
it certainly is an imaginative photo
Definitely imaginative
An intriguing photo and poem.......makes one want more explanation.
You can erase this comment.....but... I think your poetry would receive a lot more comments over at PU (including from me) if you would make an effort each week to comment on other people's poetry.
Those are some good questions posed, she definitely should get off the floor though
Have a nice Sunday
Much love...
Her eyes don't show fear so it appears to be a game. Mind you being on the floor you don't have far to fall.
Do we ever know for sure what is staged or not? As for me, I take people a their word. If they take me, that's on them. Some strong images and movement forwardthrough repetition. Neat!
a nice take. I liked this poem
"Or maybe something else" - That uncertainty clinches the poem. Good stuff.
Made me think of the difference between being a victim and a survivor...thought provoking write
This is going to have me thinking for a while. Is she really a victim, did she make a choice, is she pretending?
Good mystery here.
Nicely done...thanks for sharing
Lovely, words can be so powerful!
I am particularly enamored of this phrase:
"my story is all so false"
which can also be read as:
"my story is also false,"
meaning hers is, too.
I like what you did!
I wish she could get up and stand for herself! ~ Wisely used words x
i think what we think about ourselves makes a big difference and i wish she could find a way out of victim-hood
So sad... and yet, a reality for many...
Nicely expressed
A cape makes all the difference...
A delicious mystery!
Dark and mysterious. I am sorry I did not comment before but your comment on my blog had gone to my spams.
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