Tuesday, February 01, 2011

tears of the sky fall to the ground

Photo Credits: Rey-Mundo

the sky was angry in the night
it fired onto me
it had the right
I had not asked to touch it
the space I took from the sky
it gave it back to me again
by cooling it with its tears
frozen though
I call it snow.
on the blade of one my branches,
some child will come
and pull at my hand
I will let it hold me
I will let him swing on me
tears of the sky will fall to the ground
mingling with the earth
and I will float to the sky
I patiently wait for that child 
and his friends in the orange light

"remote held by sky, I grind to ground"


Ramesh Sood said...

That's lovely..

Hope said...

this is very beautiful
I have often thought of snow falling as tears
these lines stand out to me
'tears of the sky will fall to the ground
mingling with the earth'

very beautiful!

dustus said...

Inventive personification of nature throughout your lines. Very well done.

Brian Miller said...

i am well like the though of snow as tears frozen...

Diana Lee said...

A very beautiful view of life from nature's perspective. Glad to have found you through One Shot.

Asobime said...

This is deceptively simple as a poem, but actually, spreads out in many imaginative directions.

Liked this very much.

Lady Nyo

moondustwriter said...

Full of feeling and wintry beauty. Those tears felt by so many.

Thanks for sharing with One Shot

Gigi Ann said...

"tears of the sky fell to the ground" all afternoon and most of the night here at my little corner of the world.

The poem is lovely.

Thanks for visiting Shadows Of My Mind today. I also have a book blog you visit, so thanks for visiting My Reading Corner also.

Gigi Ann

Kavita said...

Aahh... this must be what nature would say/think with all the snow around..

There was a serene touch to this one, Gautami.. really peaceful and lovely.. and the image totally complemented the beautiful words..

gautami tripathy said...

Kavita, I don't put pictures to words. I put words to pictures. This is what is known as ecphrasis or ekphrasis...

Timoteo said...

Tears from the sky
Hit me in the eye...
Next time I'll wear sunglasses

Glynn said...

It's beautiful. And tears will fall; they will certainly fall.

G-Man said...

You have snow?
Great poem either way!!

Celestial Dreamz said...

wonderful personification. Loved reading. all the best.

Anonymous said...

Great personification - strong images

kolembo said...

Oh! Super. There's something in the images you create. Intense and clear.

Anonymous said...

It's so simple but my favorite line is 'I call it snow.'

I love how straightforward and honest it is. It's a beautiful clash with the images of space and fire.

Claudia said...

i like the tears of the sky mingling with the earth...snowing us in...beautiful

PattiKen said...

Lovely. I really like the perspective of the tree held to the ground by the heavy frozen tears, wating for a child to set it free.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes, the uniqueness of snowflakes is reminiscent of our personal tears. Nice work!

Giovanni Cucullo

Anonymous said...

Lovely words, beautifully strung together.

Chris G. said...

A beautiful nature piece from the viewpoint of the tree...snow as "falling tears," makes for quite the image, a touch melancholy, but natural, personified, a smooth caress. Quite imaginative, and one which captures the beauty of Winter elegantly. I tried with photos on my own site following this recent "Snowpocalypse" but the poetic route is always satisfying for it!

Laurie Kolp said...

Love the personification and vivid details-- a sheer delight!


Anonymous said...

So much gorgeous writing between WWP and Big Tent, and this is no exception. You gave the tree a voice, explored the tension between her and the sky, and then the birth of ice. Absolutely lovely.


Anonymous said...

This is lovely - the trapped tree freed by the child is my favorite image.

flaubert said...

Gautami, a beautiful succession of words.

Linda said...

I love the concept of naming—I call it snow—

Mad Kane said...

Wow! That was wonderful!

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes! An angry sky, a fun-loving chld. Really enjoyed the imagery in this piece.

Mary said...

Gautami, what a lovely and gentle poem. I love the way it reads and sounds.

nan said...

ethereal feel to this. Very nice!

christopher said...

You created a mood for me and held it like a diamond, displaying now this flash, now that, cold and remote in the light but intimate in the heart.

Joseph Harker said...

My favorite part:
"I had not asked to touch it
the space I took from the sky
it gave it back to me again"

Really good!

Robin said...

Lovely. That orange light at the end stays with me.

Marianv said...

A new way of looking at snow. Beautifully done.

Deb said...

Terrific mood in this poem!

barbara said...

I like you as a poet-tree.

Steve Isaak said...

Solid work, imagery, flow, ideas.