that glass of water-water swirls of it suddenlyuncannily I see you
so difficult to fathom for most
yet so easy for me
that instant rapport
without reproach
going on a straightline
I stop. bending over the curve
I touch that milestone.
my sensors worked towards it
I turned towards you
and intend to stay cosseted
I slowly roll grievetouch it for a momentand throw it as far as I canI unroll my heartletting you into itbeacon of it burns brighta kindred, I foundin nothingness that was-and firmly established it in me"I await with impatience for it to wash me over, again and yet again"
photo in the room
I can almost feel you there-
peace shatters in me
fog lifts from within
I see with clarity
of my future ahead.
with no plans
it suddenly materialised
out of nothing.
you made it happen
you will make it happen-
the likes of which I never envisaged.
I give in to you
and you give in to me
inevitability is just accepted.
"that yes, you simply picked up from me;
sunny days, I stole from you"
so you sleep so peacefullyuncaring that I watch youthose eye lids moving alongwith your tremulous dreamsyour nose flaring a bitthe rise and fall of your chestI subtly put my ears to itpicking up your heart beatI sway to the rhythm of itI steady myself and my palms slide over youyour skin seeps ecstasyinto mine. closing my eyesI join you in your dreamsadding some of my own..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I wrote that after reading the following. I don't know if it is transliteration or transcreation.Variation On The Word Sleep
I would like to watch you sleeping,
which may not happen.
I would like to watch you,
sleeping. I would like to sleep
with you, to enter
your sleep as its smooth dark wave
slides over my head
and walk with you through that lucent
wavering forest of bluegreen leaves
with its watery sun & three moons
towards the cave where you must descend,
towards your worst fear
I would like to give you the silver
branch, the small white flower, the one
word that will protect you
from the grief at the center
of your dream, from the grief
at the center I would like to follow
you up the long stairway
again & become
the boat that would row you back
carefully, a flame
in two cupped hands
to where your body lies
beside me, and as you enter
it as easily as breathing in
I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment
only. I would like to be that unnoticed
& that necessary.
he, in that oil-stained overallworks around his racing carwith single-minded passion that defies everythingshe sits in the shade with a book-reading with absorptionwhen heat gets to himthe overall is offsweat trickles downhighlighting his tattoosshe steals a glance-watches the play of muscleshe feels it too-measures that intensitythrough his own flared feelingteeters up from his workher book drops, pages dog-earwith baited breath, she waits for himisn't it all so ideal-her tattooed male smells of mobile oil, sweat, and flared desireshe succumbing to it all
For all those who read poetry, this is a good challenge to read poetry. There are four levels and you can join any. Check out, Clover, Bee and Reverie: A Poetry Challenge, for more info and do join in. The challenge will go through 12/31/2010.Here are the four levels of participation:Couplet: Read 2 books of poetryLimerick: Read 5 books of poetry, and finish at least one badgeOctave: Read 8 books of poetry, and finish at least two badgesSonnet: Read 14 books of poetry, and finish two badges, and one expert badge
I will go for the Octave level. My tentative list of poetry books are:
1) Selected Poems by Robert Lowell (1917-1977)2) Renascence and Other Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892–1950)3) Thirst: poems By Mary Oliver4) Becoming The Villainess by Jeannine Hall Gaily5) At the Threshold of Alchemy by John Amen6 Poetic Musings of an Old, Fat Man by Harry E. Gilleland, Jr.7) Slamming Open The Door by Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno8) The Essential Keats: Selected by Philip Levine
growing old with you-incandescent emotionsaglow within my heart
studiously she avoids gazing in that direction
where he sits nonchalant, almost uncaring-
minds send out signals; silence so chilling,
picking up vibrations, she answers the question
being very still, with almost no expression,
she slowly stands with her eyes measuring
the distance, she glides toward his beckoning
mind. her heart beat, was by any indication
making her state, an object of ardent desire;
visible in her stance, in her jerky mannerisms.
smoldering flame, blazing; intense, luminous
pulling him in too; each bursting vein on fire
blowing apart their semblance, volumes
of convulsions still unseen, causing chaos
I shoulder the sorrowsmile at the faces around methe chugging train takes me alongmy thoughts are miles awayyou are goneI regret not being with youfor the past decade-brunt of it sits heavysudden jerking makes my coffee spillI hardly feel it seeping through my thighswhen I see you next,you will be under those questions unansweredlay prone in my mindmy heart is chillythe train chugs along unmindful
When I get thereno one will know meif they do,I will hide from their prying eyesby drawing into myselfnow leave me alonelet me breath through the windowsthe cold will deaden me, letting me sleep"the train will chug along, come what may be'
I can't have mercyI can't let it bei can't let it goI will mess with youto monstrous extremitywith zeal, I will jolt youWHATEVER! CUT OUT THOSE RIBBONSjolted by my zeal-extremely monstrousthis mess that you createyou have to let it gobut I can't let it beas I never learnt mercy
A taunt thrown for Sir Silley!
any sound gets her to the windowshe knows he isn't anywhere nearwent back on his wayshe misses the silence-his silence that had made her madshe wants it backthose highways, the small stops on the wayhis tattoos on his bicepshis crooked hatthe smell of gasolinehis brusque caringhis facade cemented into hershe trembles with that memoryencloses it to her extremes"was it for the best, or was it for the worst that wild trucker had taken over?'
My date with the trucker continues. Click on it to read the rest of it. All stand alone and yet are connected.

in that grecian urn,
Sr Silley burns
I put gasoline
along with limey beansI think of tiny nibblesover his poetic quibblesyummy, I smack my lips
(while he bumps his burning hips)I laugh at his fear,
he weeps over his fiery rear
I say, go baby godon't be so slow
let the fire get you
let your face get more red than blue
I add a bit of wine
for that hateful s*ine.
oh my! my head pains
and in that instant it rainsall my plan go down the drainsSir Silley is saved
and words to that effect are engraved
here lies the pseudo-poet, almost-
if only he had burnt to nice toast!"thus our animosity continues with all shades of epic hues"
your tongue lashes outelectrifying words fall in-new leaf shrivels up
As I am a mere female, I can't write good verses. How can words come out when I am kind of busy primping my hair (whatever that means), doing my nails and all the other suff that females do? However, I will make Percy Bysshe Shelley (ghost of) eat his words. As he can't eat anything else (remember he is a ghost), words ought to revive him from his smelly grave. So much for supporting Sir Silley!
two zero one zeroa year with two, one and two zeroswhat difference does it make?troubled world,traumatic mindsthis can't change with turn of the clockhere I sit and ruminateabout global warmingand unrest all roundI helplessly watch my creativity pouring forthfrom this self-destruction of humanitystuck in the quagmiregoing only deeper and deeperout of nowherea childs' lilting laughter fills those zeros, & reinforces the beauty that is life I say it aloud yet again- two zero one zero a year with two, one and two zerosit does have wings to fly and soar
WIshing all my blogging friends a Very Happy Creative 2010!