Sunday, October 19, 2014

dance of freedom

crazy emotions dance with glee
a shadow of childhood is glimpsed
I can't play a martyr-
not to you, a complete stranger now
why are you preaching like a seer?

I am alone maybe, not lonely-
why wonder what secret makes me go-
why are you astounded by my laughter?
remember, it is the steel in me
that you never could see.

"I will not be a prisoner of the past
while the future shines like a diamond"


annell4 said...

I love your dance!

brudberg said...

What a wonder to have the future of a diamond.. then dance towards the light...

Jae Rose said...

Keep dancing..just like that last line

Sumana Roy said...

freedom belongs to the person having 'steel' enjoy :) nice enjoyable lines...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I so resonate with "it is the steel in me that you never could see". And LOVE your closing lines.

Susan said...

Bravo! Stand and Dance. Even the lines have that steel.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

It is the unseen steel in us that bears us up.

A Transcendental Whirl

keiths ramblings said...

Well said!

Gen Giggles said...

Love the ending lines. Very well written.

ZQ said...

Go girl! :-)

Anonymous said...

What an optimistic ending!

Old Egg said...

How I wish more of us had this steel.

Justin Lamb said...

There is a lot of joy in the poem.

Cathy said...

Wonderful poem.

Anonymous said...
