Sunday, October 26, 2014

In the chaos, I desire peace

she stands there wearing strange socks
speedy recovery from a frivolous illness
looking at the surroundings
I almost have an apocalyptic vision

the inklings of that echoes in my literary works
gnarled roots do not go with healthy poppies
such a weird thought, 
a passing fancy of desiring thorns.

with an audible sigh,  
I dread her entry into the teens
thirteen going on thirty
I go blue in the face thinking.

"she standing in the midst of chaos-
such an apt epilogue for the goings in my mind"


Kathe W. said...

entry into the teens....yikes...I remember those days! Nicely done!

Jae Rose said...

The strange socks made me smile...chaos but hopefully soon over

PirateGunn said...

Very intricate poetry, philosophical, mysterious thought - I like it very much.

Charleen said...

Its a growing up poem. Very nice.

elaine said...

Interesting concept that I an relate to

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I know that feeling, one wants to stop the clocks so nothing bad can happen. Strong imagery in the "gnarled roots and healthy poppies"......

Myrna R. said...

Our kids are growing amidst so many challenges, chaos, gnarled roots. But some healthy poppies. It may be hard, but it doesn't last a lifetime. And those roots, if they're solid make a big difference in what she'll chose in life.
Good write.

Dr. Pearl Ketover Prilik (PKP) said...

Terrific images of a challenging time :)

keiths ramblings said...

You have woven so many prompts into your intriguing piece of poetry. Fascinating, interesting, thought provoking. But then your work always is.

ZQ said...

I have three boys and one girl. The girl? Very different and has taken me on quite a different road than the boys. :-)

cathy said...

Oh teh joys of kids going into the teenager years. don't have kids but I do hear a lot parents moaning

Old Egg said...

They do grow out of it as it all part of being themselves. In fact I quite liked the quirkiness of my daughters. The chaos in a mother's mind turns to sadness when they finally fly the nest.

totomai said...

how time flies right? such a thoughtful poem for your daughter.

nice to read you again :-)

21 Wits said...

Oh yes I know those years well, experience well learned! Your closing quote is simply beautiful, it would work well in a song!

Gen Giggles said...

You are scaring me about the future. My little girl will be there all to soon.

humbird said...

Love the title, the idea of inner peace no matter what is going outside.. Thoughtful poem. x

Randy Mazie @ thewritersvillage said...

"she stands there wearing strange socks
speedy recovery from a frivolous illness"

I LIKE THAT. I THOUGHT HOW QUICKLY PRETEENS AND TEENS RECOVER FROM EPISODES OF DRAMA, HYSTERIA, MISERY, END-OF-WORLD-ITIS, and everyone else's parents are letting them go. And WHAM, they're playing with dolls, dressing up, kissy-poo'ing.

Randy Mazie @ thewritersvillage said...

I had reached my limits (as you do with teenagers, too. So- just wanted to add that I liked your piece.
Thank you.
Good luck. I raised 4 kids. Three girls. Much more difficult than the boy.

Cifar said...

beautiful, loved it

Woolen Socks

Carrie Van Horn said...

The title says it all. A strong and truthful write Gautami. :-)