Saturday, October 20, 2007

After becoming a queen----Sunday Scribblings

Sunday Scribblings

My first act as Queen of the World will be...

Most of the times I feel sleep deprived. After reading this prompt, my first thought was- make one hour sleep mandatory even in day time, after every three hours. That will help all of us rejuvenated.

Another of my pet peeves is misspelling of names. Those who are the culprits should be severely punished. They should be made to write the names they misspell 5000 times a day for 10 days.

I would recommend a chocolate factory in every town. Entry for kids to be free twice a day with free bars and once a day for adults with a nominal charge for a bar. I finished re-reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and hence the brain wave.

All of us should celebrate balloon days each week of the year along with kite flying in summers. Stopping by the woods to admire the nature, to be made compulsory.

I must not forget books. There should a library in every district. Kids and adults have to be encouraged to read. What a blissful thought!

Being a queen is not easy. I am unable to think further. With the burden of the crown, you see…

I know these are scatter-brained thoughts but suppose it happened….


Anonymous said...

yES re the name thing PLEASE - my name is with a "K" .... i tell people over and over and over .... LOL

i'm not sure about the chocolate every day - i think i do that already !!! but the library ... yes yes yes and every child to be able to have the opportunity to learn to read .. how brilliant would that be !!!

Anonymous said...

I would make it illegal to be stupid. Do you think that would work?

Jess said...

I agree...what a heavenly thought...chocolate every day and as many books as can read be read, for everyone. Actually, if I'm ill, these two are my 'get better quick' fixes. And when I'm not, these are my favourite way to end the day.

Do you post pictures of Delhi? I would love to see revisit a place form my childhood.

Glad to be here :)

floots said...

i trust that her majesty will find time enough to continue her blog despite her royal duties


Beau Brackish said...

8 hours mandatory sleep is a wonderful idea. Would there be any way to slow down the pace of our lives, without financial hardships? Every year, it seems workers are asked to work longer hours, while companies reduce their health care benefits, and barely keep salaries on pace with inflation. We must be faster, smarter, quicker, do more, while we get less time, less pay, less sleep, and less room for personal growth. All so that stockholders who buy and trade our lives can fatten their wallets.

8 hours of sleep a night is a good start in reversing this trend.

oceanic mirages said...

i wud like to have a library in every block madame...
wish i cud b a queen.

Robin said...

Daily naps and chocolate, books, mandatory nature walks... Where do I sign up?

Whitesnake said...


raymond pert said...

When I wrote my scribblings post, I debated within myself whether I would create the Land of Autonomy or The Land of Rest, where rest and sleep are the "rule" and not the exception as a way of sweetening the mood and the productivity of the Kingdom. In other words, you and I were thinking along the very same lines regarding rest, sleep, and a more perfect world. Bless you. I really enjoy your writing.

ANA said...

Now let's see, I hate to sleep, so doesn't help,
I like chocolate but am better off without indulging,
library yes, yes, yes...but then again I hate to read books from the library because then I end up not buying books and I hope to have a library in my home someday,
Stop to admire the nature, is a beautiful law...
and baloon day, sounds like fun...
but your scatter brain ideas make me think you'll lighten up things,
So you'll make a nice queen.

you left your shoe behind while you were running, and pretty please why won't you vote for me , wink wink!!! hehe

awareness said...

can we add mispronouncing names too?

Good ideas......we should implement them.

bring on the balloons... :)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I'm not sure which idea I like more, Gautami: the books or the chocolate.

Are we allowed to eat the chocolate while we read, so long as we don't get the books dirty?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh Yes, My Queen! As far as I am concerned..If we all had a vote...YOU WOULD BE ELECTED!

LOL, LOL..I LOVE All your edicts...Paarticularly the Chocolate Factory in every towm...BRILLIANT..Besides everything else, it would smell DELICIOUS Everywhere!

Smiler said...

Chocolate and books, sounds like the perfect Queendom! Can I apply for a visa?

Michele sent me, but all be back all by myself like a big girl.

Anonymous said...

you are right... naps... the whole world needs naps.
I was wondering about the little pots of liquid in the left hand column... are those teas? coffees? water cups for brushes? they always catch my eye when I visit

Tumblewords: said...

Sleep. We all seem to be sorely lacking this life's requirement. Glad to find you'll make it mandatory!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...


Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

You made me smile in reading this. My speling is terible. If you enfroce that policy I wuold be writing all day long.

dsnake1 said...

yes, your majesty,
i know i am one of those guilty of missspelling your name, but i find the punishment pretty harsh...:)

Jennifer Hicks said...

fantasy know what gandhi said - we must be the change we wish to see in the world!

Anonymous said...

Books, chocolate, and sleep- to me the 3 essentials of life. I would be a perfect citizen!

Patois42 said...

Yes to all. Yes, indeed, to the chocolate.

Unknown said...

I am totally for more books, chocolate and sleep. Preferably books and chocolate, to be followed always by sleep. Too bad you cannot do all three at once.

DJPare said...

Love the sleep idea!

I stopped working just long enough to write my piece and read yours!

polona said...

do typos count as misspelling?
if so, i would be in detention all the time :)

Anonymous said...

Here I am walking on the beach, flying a kite, a balloon tied to my wrist , book under my arm, licking an ice cream!
You are a tough queen!
Time for a nap.

Forgetfulone said...

Sleep, chocolate, and books... three of my most favorite things!

Writing on Board said...

I think I love you.

Giggles said...

I love you my Queen....seriously that was my first thought even though it may seem copied from the last commenter! I abhor mis pelt names, know what happens when people are sleep deprived and agree everyone needs to play! The free chocolate for kids won me over!!! Books book books, never enough books!

Peace Giggles

Anonymous said...

More sleep, more chocolate and more books. Nice ideas. You'll make a good queen. Very popular.

tricia stirling said...

I love your ideas, especially the ones about nature and libraries.

Lisa Sullivan said...

I love the idea of balloon & kite days. I smile at just the thought of them. We would all be living happy peaceful lives if we just relive the times of our youth...

Nice take on the prompt! :-)

thefirecat said...

Mmm, sleep and chocolate and books. What could be more decadent? What could be more necessary?

And regarding the Dalai Lama, I think it would be wonderful if he could live wherever he really wanted. He could have TWO homes. But he should definitely be allowed to go home if he wanted. As should we all.

And he should be able to have chocolate there.

josie2shoes said...

Chocolate, books and naps, life doesn't get any better than that! I want to live in your kingdom, Gautami! :-) I agree on misspelled names as well, to me is so discourteous!