This week, [Fiction] Friday asks us to pick a famous fictional character (for our purposes here it can be any character from fiction, mythology, legend, comic books…whatever) and give them a secret vice—at the very least it should be distasteful if not outright illegal. Now give the character’s rationale in their own words.
Bard's Dilemma----Sonnet
Otherwise known as bard, I have written plays-
tragedies and comedies, along with some sonnets.
My repertoire is vast, as I write nights and days-
poetry does not pay well, empty are my pockets.
Asking for money, I am somewhat always in debt
friends and foes both shun, when it is me they see
I feel like a heel but a man has to survive: dead set
to earn more, I found a way. Stress gone I feel free,
I have not given up composing, that is in my blood,
I write for the masses under another pseudo name.
There is no dearth of words, which can only flood
my mind and flow from my pen- on paper they tame.
Varied writing helps me eat more than baked beans-
as I churn out romances with explicit steamy scenes.
As there is a no edit rule, it is but a rough draft. I will polish it later on.