Tuesday, December 27, 2011

locked in the closet

I pondered over the decree
for the angel to bring gold tidings
shepherds watched over that silence
I endured it in joyless peace
my heart was like a manger
I was afraid to let it go
but in my haste
I locked it in the closet
what of it, one might ask?
festive days,
do those help in renewal?
I say, no way.
those come and go

"I am left with vacuum of thoughts"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

citizen of dreamland

I circled the purple
a game I played
as luck would have it
I had no trouble winning
my dream allow me to be flexible
I become a citizen of one the states of dreamland
far beyond earth, earth year
I don't lag behind
as I now fly wingless
no friction to curtail me


hidden by shadows

I stand here
half in shadows
my glasses hiding my eyes
the tears stream down
your shadow on my jacket
provides a kind of security blanket
I look so aloof
the boards behind enhance that
do you think
standing at the crossroads
is an easy task?
fetch that inkpot
let me pen my last note
let me raise it for your health

"my watch stopped long time ago"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

elemental pulsations

pulsations of the elements
grip the spasm
the boat is an enigma
I feel weightless in sand
tumbling in a rare medium
the spacious vastness 
pulls me in rapid succession
I am released into a misty glass
shedding my clothes, I bared my soul too
I watch the boat take away my hubris

"wipe the mist and look at the sky,
light is never far away"