Saturday, February 10, 2007

Yummy!...................Sunday Scribblings

This time the Sunday Scribblings prompt is yummy. Very yummy!

Whenever we say or hear the word, it reminds us of love or food. Not necessarily in that order. I like baby smells. Those are yummy too. Yummy covers a whole gamut of unexpressed words. When we are unable to find any other word, we say yummy. Yummy!

Easier said than done. I thought this is was an easy enough prompt. It would be rather a cakewalk. But here I am dilly-dallying. My mind has gone blank. No yummy ideas anywhere..

I look out of the window. The weather is as gloomy as my thoughts…dark, drab and wet. Nothing yummy about such weather. What is it that is yummy for now?

I might as well give up on writing about this or maybe the following limerick would do? Last night I had an upset stomach. Here is to that:

With a heaving and upset tummy
I feel like an useless dummy
Looking at food
For now is, no good
I am least inclined to say yummy!


Even writing poetry doesn't feel yummy right now..

To read more on yummy stuff, click here.


Anonymous said...

Funny yummy Limerick. Very clever!

Regina said...

Hee hee! Loved the limerick!

DJPare said...

That is a fun limerick.

P.S. My last roommate was Indian and while she was very Americanized, having been born here, her mom's food (That she brought home periodically) was definitely yummy!

Borut said...

I'm always at a loss for words when confronted with such as 'yummy' - what can I say...!?:)

dsnake1 said...


your blog is yummy. :)

JHS said...

Nice job on a grey gloomy day. We had one here, too. The rain just pours down -- we need it. It was a good day to stay inside where it's cozy and warm and yummy. :-)

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

After having so many babies, I'm not sure that their smell is yummy. :)

gautami tripathy said...

Food, love, babies, weather are all so yummy! I think I will continue saying yummy all this week. Yummy SS!

gautami tripathy said...

Andrew, how can you say that, my friend? Babies are divine!

Waspgoddess said...

I love limericks... I hope your tummy is better soon so you can enjoy something really yummy.

Ces Adorio said...

Oh Gautami, you are very clever and creative. The introduction to your limerick is by itself an ineteresting piece of work. You really know how to make a play on words.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for finding a silver lining amidst the drab weather and upset tummy. It's nice to run across a well-done limerick — what a pleasant surprise!

I hope you're feeling better.

Kai said...

nice one:-]


polona said...

gautami, i think your limerick is quite yummy and the introduction itself is worth the challenge.
hope you're feeling better...

Faith said...

Yummy is harder than one would think to write about especially with an upset tummy. Hope your feeling better:)

strauss said...

Cute Limerick.
I am expereincing similar weather as you right now, so I know how you feel...

Lucy said...

your post was so.....yummy!

gautami tripathy said...

My tummy is ok now. I can taste all sorts of yummy food!

Yummy thanks to you all!

floots said...


Anonymous said...

Fun limerick...and yes, yummy can be tougher than she looks! ;)

Anonymous said...

Yay, great post! But you're right, nothing yummy about rainy weather, but here in Portland you just get used to it.

I like the limmerick, too!

Stick it in your eyes said...

Totally fun! I'm having a hard time with the prompt, too. ;)

Just Meg said...

I just think it is soooo cool that I am in North Carolina, USA and you are in India, and we are sharing our ideas and creativity via "Sunday Scribblings"!!!!!!
I am grateful for your input.
Thank you!

Pat Paulk said...

Yummy, yummy, poetry in the tummy!!

Mike said...

At first I didn`t have a clue. Yummy? It sounded so silly! But then a girl I work with made a suggestion and I thought, "Of course! I`ll do that!"
By the way, cute rhyme. Have a good week.

Mike :)

Herb Urban said...

Very nice take on the prompt. You made it look like a cake walk after all. Love the limmerick.

Unknown said...

Fun limerick.

Keshi said...

yummmmmmmmmz ;-)


kj said...

gautami,your blog is yummy.


Jone said...

I hope you are feeling better. Great limerick.

Anonymous said...

Hi - sorry I am late - no electricity in my building for 24 hours so no computer. I like your take on the prompt - sort of an opposite of yummy!

Tikkis said...


Anonymous said...

I went blank too, as you read! But I love your yummy things--baby smells are yummy!

sage said...

I was wanting something yummy
in my tummy
but the rain
drove me insane
and left me feeling like a dummy

Maggie May said...

funny little poem! i think baby smells may be the yummiest of all...

tlchang said...

I loved your ruminatings on the yummy word. It really is a good and highly inclusive word -while still remaining quite descriptive.

Good usage in the limerick too! :-)

daisies said...

fun limerick, even yummy tee hee :)

baby smells are totally yummy!!

Anonymous said...

Hi G- I also think of love or food when I think of the word yummy. It's such a warm word. Ooooh, so nice about baby smells.
I'm sorry you had an upset stomach recently. Your, limerick, however, is so free and light. It hits the "Yummy" spot to my eyes and ears. Hope you're feeling better by now. :)

gautami tripathy said...

Thanks, my blogger friends. I so appreciate your visits and your comments. I know I should reply individually but no time for now.

Good to know you all..