Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Coffee Tales..Haiku

sleepy awake state
so much caffeine in my body,
am now living dead


I have not done this for a long time now. This came out of drinking too much of the beverage!


Paul said...

Well said, I think I know just what you mean! It can even happen without caffeine - if you push yourself too far, it's like you go into a kind of overdrive and can't sleep even though you're way behind on sleep. A sort of zombie like state...

In fact I wish I could get to that right now because I am zonked!

The Site Administrator said...

Ha! I know this feeling only too well. :-)

Anonymous said...

How fun- a caffiene induced haiku! Looks like a messy drinker, too. How fun- a caffeine induced haiku! Looks like a messy drinker, too.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I'm this way every day!! Good work. :)

floots said...

i have given up coffee completely
it was quite easy
i've not had a cup now for almost ten minutes :)

gautami tripathy said...

percival: I have been in that state too many times. When I am dead beat, I can't sleep! Like they say too tired to sleep, too tired to stay awake.


gautami tripathy said...

richard: yes! Familiar feeling, isn't it?

gautami tripathy said...

get zapped: Actually. it is not a haiku in the strict sense. Senryu, yes!

Aren't the cups lovely?


gautami tripathy said...

sage: thanks! But what is it you like? Coffee or my verse..:D

gautami tripathy said...

andrew: Hey, too much coffee is bad!Moderate it!

floots: How have you survived so long?


Pat Paulk said...

Yep, been there too!!

Borut said...

There's supposed to be an intermediate state: dreaming awake. Coffee is belived to have been used first by dervishes of Soutern Arabia, to keep them awake in their all-nigth rituals. When I can't sleep due to too much coffee, I feel like a dervish - a poor man on his way to freedom, but that's about all there is to my dervishhood!:)

Kai said...

i luv coffee

magiceye said...

:) great feeling!

polona said...

well composed.
the funny thing is, if i drink coffee in the evening i get so sleepy i'm no good for any company :)

Anonymous said...

zombies :)

coffee & poetry --
could we live without either?

nice piece, gautami


Rethabile said...

If drinking does that to you (inspires you), by all means drink more of the stuff! Nice haiku.

Keshi said...

hehe not bad at all Gautami!


Amalendu said...

well-said...this reminded me of drinking too much of coffee...

Whitesnake said...

You should try drinking beer.........geeeeeezzzzzzzzz

gP said...

Coffe make me get migrain, and dry mouth. sad.

gautami tripathy said...

Pat: yes!

borut: I know what you mean but dancing dervishes are in a translike state, spirituality embodiesd. Mine was much too basic.

kai: who does'nt?

magiceye: :-)

polona: My mom feels the same was you after drinking coffee.

/t: most do! They are the nerds who don't understand poetry.

rethabile: Thanks! I will!

keshi: thanks girl.

amalendu: You too?

whitesnake: send me a few cans!

Ghost: you are a ghost. What else can one expect?

Anonymous said...

oh that was wonderful! a perfect little coffee haiku!

Crafty Green Poet said...

coffe does that to me too!

Lotus Reads said...

LOL, I love it! This could be me! :)

dsnake1 said...

with that much caffeine in my body, i will be dead dead. :)

gautami tripathy said...

Thanks ascend,crafty, lotus and dsnake1.

Coffee seems to bind us all.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Well, here's a tea haiku, much better for you! ;-)

new year
I drink assam tea in bed
and drizzle morning

Alan Summers