Thursday, February 22, 2007

In-between state of consciousness--Poetry Thursday

The prompt for this thursday is the phrase--the body knows. I am not a body person. I am an all-heart person. Most of the times my heart rules, my mind approves, my body follows. Of course there has been exceptions..(*<*)

I have written this verse for a very close friend of mine. That person had too many issues and was going out of mind but is now coming out of those. The progress is slow but the worst has passed.

I salute you, my friend. This is dedicated to you with love.

In-between state of consciousness

body disengaged from mind-
mind dissociated from thought;
thought disconnected from spirit,
each single part going haywire.

the body pursued ceaselessly
its subsequent indecisive cure,
wishing acerbic flagon to
bring in the tranquility it craved.

various images vied for supremacy
creating perplexity inside the place
where mind and body conspire
adjacent to one another ad infinitum.

at the hub existed ineffectual self.
a soul with no initiative,
surpassed by the smallest of light
with its luminescent waves of realization

lucidity defined mind,
the body knew at last.

otherwise without comprehension,
where does the body take the mind-
where does the mind take the body?

For more body and mind experiences, click
body knows.


Buffalo said...

I can't think of enough superlatives.

strauss said...

Wow,that was really good.
I loved the arrangements of thought and the finish that allows the reader to ponder.

Anonymous said...

The body and mind connection to me is a constant struggle for supremacy.

I love your poem and all the words that flow in a stream of thought.



Anonymous said...

"a soul with no initiative", what an interesting turn of phrase. I don't think the body, mind and heart can ever truly be separate from each other, but sometimes it certainly feels that way.

Romeo Morningwood said...

Very have presented us with another exquisite selection.

Humans need to find that Homeostatic balance since neither the Brain or the Body can survive naturally (unlike Walt Disney's frozen head) if the other is terminated.

I would like to be 50% Cranial and 50% Carnal because if I neglect one of the two the other part will let me know about it in no uncertain terms.

I personally believe that Spirit and Mind are technically nothing more than electromagnetic/chemical impulses created by the Brain and sprinkled with Fairy Dust and caffeine.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Very interesting and thought-provoking, nice flow

writerwoman said...

what amazing phrases you have put together for this piece. The ending makes me think and what to read the whole poem over.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

"inside the place/where mind and body conspire"... is a great line! Good job!

Norma said...

"Most of the times my heart rules, my mind approves, my body follows" I enjoyed this even before I got to the poem! How nice to have a poem dedicated to a friend coming out of a bad time.

Thanks for stopping by. (The fellow you responded to who wants things to rhyme was just being cute--I've know him since we were kids.)

gautami tripathy said...

buffalo: Thanks.

straus: I liked yours too. Nice and flowing.

dewyknickers: Body and mind have to co-exist. What's one without the other?

desert rat: I agree. The great battle..

donn/h.e.: Hmm. Keep up with the caffeine. You need it. I have some scores to settle with you. I will do so on your blog.

mary: thanks

writerwoman: This sort of flowed after I thought of my friend. I finished it in 20 minutes flat.

pepektheassassin: Thanks. I thought so too.

Norma: I did it! I will go and smile at the guy!

Thanks. I care for me friend very much.

paris: So am I. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love this poem the more that I read. I am a soul person I think, my body is an anchor that holds me down.

I like the line, "each single part going haywire."

We do seem to be at cross purposes with ourselves.

polona said...

excellent and thouht provoking write yet again, gautami.

Fragmentsinsight said...

Wonderful phrasing. I can read this over and over again.

Jim Brock said...

The repetition, the slightest turning and alteration of the phrasing, both obscures and heightens the boundaries between mind, body, heart. Isn't this what we want from the language of prayer, too? Wonderful.

Tammy Brierly said...

Too many wonderful lines to quote as a favorite. I read it slowly so I could take it all in...nice job!

twilightspider said...

Well done - this is a wonderful tribute to what must have been a difficult struggle.

Regina said...

Wow- very intellectual! That in-between state of consciousness can be very scary!

wrchili said...

Wonderful poem! I love the words you used. I can tell that each line was cafefully thought out.

trinitystar said...

the mind is so complexed ... yet one feels that sometimes we create these complexities ourself. If the mind is out ... so is the body ... then it is also hard to find the soul.
Wonderful poem of thoughts.

rel said...

Nicely described. The mind body connection does seem to work better when they are in concert.

Kai said...

great choice of words

Clockworkchris said...

That was a great poem. I really enjoyed this. You used the phrase in a great way to make a work of art.

puerileuwaite said...

As always, your poem is lovely. Since for once I have a little time to spare, allow me to take a crack at it.

My Body by Pug Puerileuwaite

My body perhaps could be a temple
But when I find myself alone
In the dark
Too often I find the need
To treat my body
As if it were an amusement park

Have a great weekend, Gautami.

Unknown said...


body disengaged from mind-
mind dissociated from thought;
thought disconnected from spirit,
each single part going haywire.

This is a great thought:) I like the play of words.



Russell Ragsdale said...

The mind takes the body everywhere through consciousness but tries to ignore the body as if it was thoughtless. The truth is that much of what our minds come to think about were thoughts the body had first. I cannot see someone without my body having wanted to (or not wanted to) first. Cartesian dualism is a neat mistake that doesn't understand nurophysiology.

Steven said...

Great stuff. You really know how to put words together, don't you? :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for you comment on my poem. I'm liking the Poetry Thursday event.
We get to read a lot of great writing.
Perhaps all poets are essentially soul people by nature. What would poetry be without soul?

gP said...

dear dear gautami, i never run away from your classic magical poetry. Just that sometimes the blogger sign in thing and word verification make me ultra angry so I dont leave comments. Sorry for that.

This poem on body and mind is so real. the urges of the body to be separated, the power of the minds to control everything. life is mysterious when you dig too deep.

gautami tripathy said...

Forgive me for not answering individually. I think I should say all that I have in one single post.

We are, mind, heart, body and soul. We cannot exist without one another. These make us whole. These complete us.

Sometimes, a certain part develops snags. And it has to be set right for the sake of whole we.

Coordination is necessary forour survival. Mere existence is not survival.We have our own mechanisms for coping.

I wrote this in 20 minutes flat. The words were playing in my mind and sorted themselves out.

My friend doesn't want to see anyone for a while. I respect that and pray for swift recovery.

Rethabile said...

Very nice. Your friend must be proud. The images are bright and the music is soft. Nice job.

And thanks for you comment. I do think the game of liketo is played here and there. Cheers

iamnasra said...

the body and mind are in state here like they are pulling a rope each one on his/her side

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, all those parts of a person at war with one another

Unknown said...

Really nice! I am impressed and will be doing some serious mulling over this one. Thank you!

Borut said...

A good one. Reminds me of my own mind/body struggles. I'm not a body-oriented kind of person, but what can the mind without the body do?:) Nothing much...

Ces Adorio said...

Gautami, what a thoughtful gift to your friend. I always find the scientist embedded in your literary work. Life is so stressful sometimes that no matter how we try to balance it we still get knocked out. The more self actualized we become, the more fragile we are in mind and spirit. It's those who are barely scratching to survive who seem to have the happiest of dispositions.

turquoise cro said...

I'm glad to hear your friend is doing better! Everyone needs some Tranquility! Isn't that a Beauty Full word?!!! xo,Cinda

Kay Cooke said...

Your caring thoughts for your friend shine through every line in this poem. And I like the way you have highlighted the fact that mind and body are often separated, but need not be.

magiceye said...

wonderful expressions....

Margie said...

Hi Gautami
This is just wonderful!
You did an amazing job on this!
Glad to know your friend is doing better.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the thought-provoking nature of your poem, and especially the question at the end. "Where does the mind take the body?" I tend to think of the body as a physical manifestation of mind, so I'd say "wherever it goes." Thank you very much for stopping by and reading my poem, as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi G,
Your preface is so interesting as you reveal more about yourself.
It definitely shows here that your heart rules. This is a beautiful poem in tribute to your friend. I hope he or she continues to become well. Mental health is just as serious as physical health. Will you share this powerful writing of yours with your friend, may I ask?

(I didn't post for P.Thurs this wk, but did so for Sun. Scribblings.)

gautami tripathy said...

Thanks my friends.

My friend will pull through.

Jon said...

I like the way that you demonstrate the ways in which the various parts of our selves can work against one another if we're not careful. Your language really conveys that sense of dissonance perfectly.