Sunday, January 29, 2012


Red Spot II, Wallisy Kandinsky
frozen in time
the squiggles are the cause of anguish for the earth
red splotch startles the serenity
electrifying field absorbs shocks
permeable pigments scatter randomly
why are there fresh prints of invisible feet?
in the pattern
lines encircle tapestry of dots

a flame is born out of blank canvas,
is it wrong to assume otherwise?


booguloo said...

No, I don't think so. It certainly looks that way.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love the "fresh prints of invisible feet".

Ramesh Sood said...

I find the question very interesting..happy to be here as always..

Ramesh Sood said...

I find the question very interesting..happy to be here as always..

Karen said...

There is nothing serene about this painting. Your prose describe it very well.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


Unknown said...

I enjoyed the poetic words you used to interpret the paint patterns. Thank you for sharing this.

Roswila said...

Dynamite last two lines!

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

Love it!..


flaubert said...

I love "fresh prints of invisible feet", nice image, Gautami.


De Jackson said...

Love this use of this week's wordle words. :)

ninotaziz said...

Lovely interpretation.

Teresa said...

What a fascinating take on the prompt! I love "fresh prints of invisible feet"

The Write Girl said...

Beautiful, organic, and very artsy. Nicely written!

Tumblewords: said...

Nice, oh, nice!

barbara said...

Another vote for the invisible feet.

Dave King said...

I agree with Ramesh Sood, the question is fascinating.

Trellissimo said...

why are there fresh prints of invisible feet?

I think the same, when my garden gets trampled...:)