Sunday Scribblings challenge is Powerful. What does it means to us?
The very word has strong intonations. One can feel a surge of power thinking about this. Children as a rule, feel powerful as they do not have to think of the past nor the future. They live in the present. That is itself is control. They might know not what it means. Still they can manipulate adults to suit them, to give in to their wishes.
When we can control our life, we do feel the sense of power. We think, we can rule the world. What is this powerful feeling? The sense where we can contend with ourselves, deal with our lives, the situations with no seeming problems and with smooth running. We are effused with positive feelings.
There are situations where we want hold over others, to be able to have authority over others. We want to play God, having some sort of influence. This gives us some kind of high. However, life is not like that. The opposite circumstance may persist which saps our strength. Whence we might take some time to gather ourselves.
The whole world runs over power equations. Money influences power, so does politics. Bigger, stronger countries want to control smaller ones. They want some kind of authority to run those according to their whims. History is replete with such anecdotes and present is not far behind.
Do I need to be powerful? Yes, to the extent that I can stop injustice to human kind, to be able to prevent abuse to children. Beyond that, what use is power?
What a wonderful way to think of the use of power. Using power for good intentions is what it truly means to be powerful.
Oh Dear if only we all thought that way.
How we would love to have the upper hands in things and on our life ...grab on the power times life takes us on other direction
Thanks for asking Im well just a bit taken with work
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Hi Gautami!
Thank you for visiting me!
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~S :)
I wish we were all empowered to prevent those in power from inflicting further harm on the powerless.
Only a judicial use of power in the pursuit of justice for all can be justified.
I like the idea that the point of being powerful is to do SOMETHING with that power, in service of the greater good and/or the powerless. And I am intrigued by the idea of being powerful by being in the "now." Hmmmm...
"Children as a rule, feel powerful, as they do not have to think of the past nor the future. They live in the present."
I think this is the best line of the whole thing. :)
i think it best if we step away from that 'control' concept altogether and feel good and free within ourselves. most signs of power are driven by ego. ego and the pack. as primates we are pack animals with very large and yet fragile egos. if we feel secure, totally secure within ourselves, the need and desire to establish our position within society (the pack) diminishes and then the need to assert out power disapates.
Power for good is the only kind that should be wielded....but who decides what is good? Good thoughts expressed here, Gautami.
This is a thought provoking post. Being 'centred' rather than 'powerful'. And living in the now. Hmm, there's a whole chapter around these ideas!
Good post, especially what you say about children.
in all truth,, the only thing you have power over,, or can in any way control is you.... if people understood that,, and did it in earnest.. the world would indeed be a better place.. if it is just that simple... why then can it not be????
and this is a powerful post with intruguing ideas.
why do we forst think of 'control' when someone mentions power...
If only everyone with real power used it for the kind of good you describe - wouldn't the world be such a better place?
Thanks for this thoughtful and powerful post!
I like your take on things, and I think your third paragraph sums up teenage angst perfectly.
Good work, Gautami!
very good thoughts expressed here.
Have a good weekend
if only i could be that powerful ....
Your last line is so wise. You see things so clearly, and I love reading your posts because you share that clarity. Much of the world is sorely lacking in clarity right now!
I agree --- I think power is vastly over-rated.
I like your last lines Gautami, they have such a power to them in their own right!
QUOTE: Do I need to be powerful? Yes, to the extent that I can stop injustice to human kind, to be able to prevent abuse to children. UNQUOTE
More power to you! To advocate for our children is a powerful cause.
In reality, philosophically speaking, one only has power over our own self.
However, in the real world, when we observe people having power over others, it is just that those other people have abdicated their power over themselves to others.
Great thoughts gautami, unless you can use power to do good maybe it is better not to have any.
I totally agree (And I do visit, I just don't often post comments. Unfortunately, I don't have as much time as I would like for surfing!)
Some interesting thoughts Gautami--it seems to me that there is also power in weakness--something taught by Christ and Gandhi.
I finally posted the meme you tagged me for a few weeks ago. Sorry it took so long but I've been very busy.
Ah yes, the power high. It's a thrilling yet dangerous one!
Great post.
Very thoughtful. You're correct about what we really need power for.
Wonderful take on the prompt ... you are powerful in your convictions. Using our power to right the wrongs of the world ... now that, is powerful. Peace, JP/deb
Astute post, Gautami! Lots to think about and work with.
I agree with you power is only good when its used to help people.
yes, I agree, that as we gain more control over our own lives, it is our duty to assist others in finding this same kind of power...not a power over others, but a sense of self worth that each of us has something beautiful to contribute to make this world a better place.
Nice post, my friend. Thought provoking.
Love your last idea. All the power in the world is useless if you are sick, or lonely, or sad.
I love this, I love the last paragraph. i wish the president over here in america would take a cue from you, but of course, he doesn't listen to anyone.
I was expecting a poem. I do love your poetry...maybe even envy it a little, it seems to come so easy and effortless to you and I look forward to reading your posts. I loved your post and agree with it totally. I am sure that you are already aware of this by what I have read from your post. You already have the power to save the abuse of children and injustice in the world. It all flows through your actions.
A thoughtful and powerful post...If only people who have powers in the real world thought like you, this world would be a much better place I tell you...
Absolutely incredible last line.
Your writing has a powerful influence my dear - makes a person stop and think.
Thanks so much for your lovely comment.
See you next week.
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