Saturday, September 22, 2007

mood swings-----Sunday Scribblings

Sunday Scribblings prompt for this week is "Hi, my name is.." to be interpreted in any way we want to.

a woman
trying to fit in-
to carve a niche
in blockades of time.
emotions make me
those mar me too.
you say I am moody
I know I am moody-
unpredictable too;
which is nothing new.
you try to plunge
into my mind;
I too try to plunge
into it unsuccessfully.
you say you cannot
understand me.

“do I understand myself?”


polona said...

hi, gautami! :)

“do I understand myself?”

i wonder if anyone does...

Anonymous said...

just some
of the things
that make women so



Robin said...

I love the image of carving a niche in blockades of time.

Very nice take on the prompt.

Steve said...

I could understand that!

Jo said...

Mind-plunging, great!

josie2shoes said...

I could very well relate to this Gautami, who I am and what I am, changes by the hour, along with my moods. :-) Lovely poetry!

Becca said...

You've done a marvelous job of capturing that questioning spirit we all have a times.

Really well done :) I felt all this in my heart.

Anonymous said...

I've plunged into my own mind and have been shocked by what I found!
I'm also trying to carve out my own little niche in this plane of existence.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I understand myself...I also fear myself.

Great poem, as ever.

awareness said...

May we never stop wondering and questioning... :)

floots said...

the eternal question
well done
thank you

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Loved it. Great images, Gautami.

January said...

Oh yes. So true!

dsnake1 said...

“do I understand myself?”

that's an interesting question, gautami, I don't think we totally understand our own selfs.

Crafty Green Poet said...

we can only try to understand ourselves, we can never fully do so though...

S. Kearney said...

Hey there,
There's a new writing project up at The Shameless Lions Writing Circle site. Please check it out and I hope you can take part and promote it. Also, check out the "latest news" section.
Cheers, Seamus.

Geggie said...

What a lovely piece. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

I'd love to visit India, but it's more than a week trip. Hopefully soon, it's on my wish list.

craziequeen said...

'emotions make me
those mar me too.'

oh definitely!

Hi again gautami, Michele sent me back :-)


Kamsin said...

Awesome gautami! I could totally relate!

Devil Mood said...

That's it, exactly - "emotions make me". So true for me as well.
Your blog is so beautiful :)

Lucy said...

oh How I wish I could understand myself Gautami!

Anonymous said...

Look like your hand has been busy. Your mind too.

Odessa said...

i too can relate to this piece being only too familiar with the unpredictability of my mood swings. nice job on the prompt!

Gill said...

Brilliant! Woman in a nutshell.

delhidreams said...

but, don't u?
and why woman, doesnt a man plunges into his mind too :)
and yes,
nice flow from the prompt...

harmonyinline said...

Sometimes I wish I understood myself but maybe that never happens

Anonymous said...

finding self...

I think it is something we all do or at least should do. There are some who are able to live ignorant of self, they are the walking corpses of the world. Those of us who are alive, who feel. We perpetually search.

My name is Walking Contradiction.

Nice little piece! :-)

Gill said...

As a woman I know not myself either.
We are as mysterious to ourselves sometimes as we are to others!

ANA said...

Don't try to find yourself
It is some likely you'll lose your mind.Just ride the waves.

Very well written.

Sherri B. said...

Oh my gosh...did you write this about me? lol Just beautifully written and I can completely relate.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, my. And there we are...not a paper doll but a real living person. Nice post!

Mamacita Chilena said...

You are an impressive poet. I actually read this out loud and I loved how the words just rolled off my tongue...

Jennifer Hicks said...

well said.

emotions make me,
and mar me too.

I've learned that we can't label emotions as good or bad - they all have their place.

Moody? Maybe. Highly sensitive? Probably.

What's the advantage?! There is always one there...

Anonymous said...

Stunning poetry - it really touched me:-) When will we see more?