Saturday, May 26, 2007

Take it easy-----Sunday Scribblings

Simple exercise by Sunday Scribblings

don’t let ripples
strip down your scruples.
with certain principles,
keep your life simple.

I can't get more simple than that!

Simple. Pure and Simple. This word has a depth of meaning in its simplicity. Such a beautiful word for such a complex world. For some reason, I feel the world we live in is not as complex or complicated as we make it out to be. We want everything should be intricate. We secretly desire for things to be difficult. That gives us a sense of power when we get around to it. Sometimes the seemingly complicated of problems have very simplistic solutions. I for one, tackle anything in a very straightforward manner. I sit down, think and try to find easy solutions. One can achieve that with practical and rational thinking. There is always pragmatic way out to any predicament, which might seem tough in the initial glance.

I am not going to make this post convoluted by taking on the problems of the world. Let the political leaders goof up as best they can. We are used to it. We will pick up the pieces.

I will write here what I do best, about penning poetry. I mostly write in simple, lucid language. I want that all who read my poetry should understand it. Imagery and metaphors can be shown by simple words too. I try to write that way. Sometimes I do resort to melodrama but what is life without a bit of that!

I know, I am rambling here with seemingly disjointed thoughts. After all, it is MY blog! As per dictate, I am keeping this post simple. I cannot go on writing about simple living and high thinking kind of stuff. Those sound clichés. I do think high. Although as for as simple living is concerned, I enjoy my comforts. What the hell, I earn it! So much for being simple…

Tough really...


More simple stuff...


Steve said...

So much for being simple???
So much for just being you :-)

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

If only life could really be simple. :)

Beaman said...

I think you would make an excellent Sonia Gandhi type figure to rule India. :p

sage said...

It's hard to write about something so simple... :)

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Nothing is ever simple--not even the word itself ;)

gautami tripathy said...

simple is tough to write. Not as simple as we thought. Thoughts can never be simple.

beaman, I don't know if I am insulted here or not. I don't aspire to be like Sonia Gandhi.

Beaman said...

No, no, Gautami, I did not mean insult at all. It's just that you mentioned political leaders taking on the problems of the world. I can't say I know anything about Sonia Gandhi's policies or personality. I just remember her from a few years ago when she was in the news quite a bit.
I was trying to put across that maybe you would, hypothetically speaking, be a strong female leader with strong principles to make the world a better place. It was light hearted, I am truly sorry if I offended you.
Sonia Gandhi came across as a nice woman to me, but again, I know nothing about her politics.
Sorry Gautami.

trinitystar said...

I think you are right Guatami ... man makes the complications out of simplicity.
I have often pondered on that ... the beauty of Simplicity.
Thank you for reminding me of that Guatami in your post.
hugs for you :o)

Anonymous said...

Favorite lines: don't let ripples
strip down your scruples
with certain principles,
keep your life simple.
How true - so often just a bit of trouble comes and bang people's scruples just disappear.
As always a great post.
Take care,

gP said...

hehehe...simple yet powerful.

True, we do make things difficult, maybe because its our secret desire to not let others figure us out. WHo knows rite?

bonggamom said...

Great post! I loved how you showed that simplicity is a complicated thing to achieve :)

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thought-provoking indeed, Gautami. I've been down this path you point to here.

My take is that simple and complex are simply words pointing to the desires behind our experience. We "want" things to be "simple" or we "want" things to be "complex."

The universe can seem both quite elegant in its simplicity and complexity.

At times, I feel a need to simplify and other times to seek something more complex. I know when my meditation practice is working when both cease to be important to me because there is a temporary moratorium on seeking.

Anonymous said...

I love your simple poem. It is strange how sometimes we try to make things too complicated, when we all yearn for simplicity at the same time.



Anonymous said...

Yes, in the end it's really a decision we make to keep it simple or not.

I love the poem. I write many short simple ones myself. I like to write in easy digestable bite size pieces.

rel said...

You have the best approach to life.

p said...

"We want everything should be intricate. We secretly desire for things to be difficult. That gives us a sense of power when we get around to it."

that was the best part...good reminder for self!

Anonymous said...

Simple and complex seem to be two sides of the same coin!

Ces Adorio said...

I love the poem.

Yes, we are complex beings. When life is simple, we look for the intricate then get overwhelmed by it and then we desire simplicity once more.

Traveler said...

I agree, sometimes I overthink and complicate what should have been simple.


lissa said...

It's so true what you said. Nice poem.

Becca said...

"We secretly desire for things to be difficult. That gives us a sense of power when we get around to it."

So true! I recognize myself in that statment!

Thanks for the wise and wonderful words :)

Pat Paulk said...

One of the benefits of being simple minded is you can't complicate life. Works for me anyway.

tricia stirling said...

true what you say about us secretly desiring complexity. even the books on simplifying your life encourage you to BUY stuff.

Anonymous said...

How can life be simple if someone has no scruples?


DJPare said...

To be honest, I am not really a fan of poetry, but I will say that I definitely enjoyed your ramblings - very interesting and witty!

Patois42 said...

An engaging read. You're "after all, it's MY blog" made me smile.

Keshi said...

Life is simple...yet we make it so complex.


sundaycynce said...

"Sometimes I do resort to melodrama, but what is life without some of that." So very true!!

sage said...

I read the title and the words (to the Eagle's tune) "don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy..." nice simple poem Guatami

Left-handed Trees... said...

I love a simple, elegant post like go ahead and keep on "rambling" (as you say)--it is very interesting reading!

Kai said...

you're it
please visit my post:-]

magiceye said...

simply deep?!!!

gautami tripathy said...

When I first read this prompt, I had a feeling that it is an easy one. When I sat down to pen my thoughts, they did not come as I had wanted them too. Simple became difficult. To describe. To feel. To think. Is life simple? Can it ever be?In some ways it is. But the thoughts in our minds are complex. They don't let us rest easy.

It was a pleasure to read so many other view points. Different perceptions. Different way of thinking. Sometimes those are eye-openers for all of us.

I thank all of you for your comments, thoughts and opinions. I value those. I learn from those. I want to grow always.

Hugs to you all!

@sage, I love Eagles..period!!

Anonymous said...

I often vacillate between seeing the world as being very simple and being overwhelmed by the complexity of it, so I can identify with your post. Yes, it is YOUR blog and I always enjoy reading your posts! P.S. re: your comment on my 'seven things' tag post, I'm sure that you could find some way of making it 'your own', if you know what I mean...

Anonymous said...

P.S. Rooted is now linked to my blog too...thanks!

Clare said...

Hi Gautami! This is very cool -- and I got a kick out of "don't let ripples strip down your scruples..." I really like how you looked at the word 'simple' from your own perspective and how you tackle things in your own life. And I like what you said about not taking on the problems of the world and letting the political leaders goof it up -- and that we'll pick up the pieces. I enjoyed the casual and immediate feeling of this post -- it's like you were sitting at the table with us and talking to us. Very nice.


I think it is well named. It is simple and your explanatory prose afterward has an elegant simplicity to it too.

That said, I'm off to explore other places for a bit. I'll be back another time.

gautami tripathy said...

unfolding rose: You got the gist. Simple and complex are really terms. All depends on how we understand those.


clare: I talk in a conversational tone in my posts. I want all of us to relate. Thanks.

bingo: Welcome. I chked your blog too. Found it very interesting. Thanks!

Clockworkchris said...

I am in agreement with you and sognatrice at the same time if that is possible. I do think things are more simple than they appear to be-especially for world leaders. At the same time I think people can often think in terms of black and white without the grey area.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to poetry, sometimes simple says so much...and says the most.

It's a good reminder that we can be simple—if we try really, really hard! ;)