Thursday, July 26, 2007

Civilization------Poetry Thursday

outside the windowsill,
a tiny leaf sprouts
nervous of the terrain
but eager to absorb
the sunshine. light
stares back, unsmiling
willing the leaf to be
useful. sipping a little
water, it senses changes,
each pore tingling
opening to ensconce
those noxious gases
yet giving out oxygen-
sustaining all life forces.
understandings the
purpose of its life,
shoot blossoms to tree
perpetuating the world.

we, the civilized ones
ax it down to ground.


Rethabile said...

Wow! I really enjoyed that. Thanksvery much for the experience. This did me in:
stares back, unsmiling
willing the leaf to be

Regina said...

Oh, Gautami- you outdid yourself today! Excellent, excellent excellent! Very apropos considering the state of the world- the little shoot and tree could be a an analogy for many different things as well...

Constance Brewer said...

I didn't expect that last line! Very well done.

Anonymous said...

Really nice poem - I especially like "nervous of the terrain".

Good ending - it caught me by surprise and it makes a good point.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! And the last line aptly drove home the point.

Sherri B. said...

Oh my gosh, that last line really got me...powerful! And sadly true.

paris parfait said...

Wonderful poem and the last two lines, so sad and so true.

Shelby said...

very nice :)

Marie said...

"willing the leaf to be useful..." your words drew us in to our mothering nature to nurture the little one to grow, please grow...which made the last line all the more powerful...
This is one of my favorites so far!

Anonymous said...

A surprise my friend. The stubborn will to live, eclipsed by the blade of civilization.

Good luck and have fun with your classes.

Anonymous said...

This kind of writing is what makes me love poetry. To embrace virtually the story of the cosmos in a few lovely words and the sad response of humankind. Great stuff.

polona said...

i'm knocked down by this one.
great stuff with a poignant ending

gP said...

are we loosing hope on our own capabilities and drive ourselves to destroy the world or we just don't understand the world?

Beautiful piece.

Norma said...

We thank the little plants for all they do to sustain our earth. Lovely. Thanks for visiting.

chicklegirl said...

This poem got my emotions going, and all from a small leaf! Reducing it to that small scale makes it all the more powerful.

carole said...

I love poems with a sting in the tail at the end.

abby - the geek girl said...

I love this piece. Very very nice. And the interview I'm doing is about poet bloggers, just some general questions. Let me know if you want to partake.

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

This is a great poem, Gautami. No, make that amazing.

Anonymous said...

too true. sometimes we don't really appreciate what nature gives us. although I do believe that we're learning

Giggles said...

Excellent weave of words! We definitely need to heed the process of development with more appreciation! Man has a tendency to destroy well established things quickly and without conscience! So sad!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Many fine lines in this poem! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Very creative way to send a strong message. I could hear your poem in my head as I was reading it, and found it very lyrical... until the ending!

Deb said...

Lovely images and voice. I like the tenuousness in "nervous of the terrain" and the irony in "we, the civilized ones".

Yes said...

This deserves reading again and again...beautifully done, and the message is so urgently needed today!
Trees are so much more useful than people, if you think about it...if they chopped us down, the world would breathe a sigh of relief!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I like your image of the nervous leaf.

trinitystar said...

love this tiny poem ... life, nature.
Your words are constantly so delicious ... you have a great knowledge of words.
thank you for sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend!

magiceye said...

superb !!!!!

paisley said...

good morning guatami... this was excellent,, and sadly so true... we humans seem to have no respect for anything,,, and yet continue to demand if for ourselves... what a vicious cirle

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Great one, Gautami. Well-done!

sage said...

I like the movement in this poem--we kill what we love and in turn kill ourselves.

Dani In NC said...

This poem reminds me of one of my greatest faults -- destroying things before I realize the good they were doing. Thank you for sharing.

ozymandiaz said...

It's called progress my dear. We can't have all these "plants" around thinking this is THEIR world or anything...
Great stuff.
Anyhow, remember how a short time back you tagged me? Well I am here to tag you back. Its kinda the same thing but a little differant.
Take a gander...

Tammy Brierly said...

You were certainly inspired by this moment because it's full of promise and hope. Excellent!

Steve said...

I always admire your work!
There are not enough adjectives to describe how good you are!

Tumblewords: said...

The final lines were so indicative of where we are - great job - lovely images and pure words.

Alok said...

brilliant poignant & thought provoking...

"understandings the
purpose of its life,
shoot blossoms to tree
perpetuating the world"

and ofcourse
"we, the civilized ones
axe it down to ground"

Shannon akaMonty said...

Gorgeous, as usual! I love it. Most especially the last.

Here from Michele's

kenju said...

I cannot write poetry and I am continually amazed when someone for whom English is a second language (I presume) can write it so well!

Michele sent me.

Cherie said...

Mass adulation, brought about by mass media! Can we blame the girls, shouldn't we stop pandering to the media, the promoters! I say we educate people to be better parents ... now that would be a phenomenon!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful and it flows so nicely.