paint splashes
over that canvas
hiding what?
hiding thoughts
rise so high
only to fall down
scraped knees
kiss the earth
kissing the ground
smells heaven
it feels like home
homing emotions
arouse instincts
of nesting intensely
intensity for me-
equates to nuzzling
deeply into you
deeply into you
my pores
drenched with love
beautiful :) and the experiment with form continues. love the flow.
I love this section:
'intensity for me-
equates to nuzzling
deeply into you'
Wonderful new Poetry Train button!
Love the flow. Very nice one
nicely woven
Deeply truely madly, I love the way these verses dance!
they do dance, well done
I like how it flow, going from a topic to another, but staying linked!
Wow it is dancing and quite intriguing, I enjoyed it verymuch Guatami :)
A lovely sentimental nuzzling..especially when you are trapped in a frozen wasteland like I am. Last night we were nesting. It went from a balmy above zero melt at noon to 20 below with 50 kph winds within a matter of hours.
Nesting evolves into full blown coccooning under these circumstances.
I also liked the ebb and flow of the relationship..never static..and if it were it would be a warning..a portent of some calamity to follow.
Your poetry's fascinating! I'm keeping a bookmark of you so I can come back on a regular basis... excellent stuff!!
Passionate and lovely imagery. Nice.
intensity for me-
equates to nuzzling
deeply into you
I love that line, just like it seems others do as well. I understand it. I feel the same way when I have my face tucked perfectly into the bend of my husband's neck.
Beautiful poem.
Wow...lovely write!
njoyed readin it...
hiding thoughts
rise so high
only to fall down
This was my favorite...
was lovely....
like a rollercoaster ride!
thoroughly enjoyed it
One stanza leads to the next with a sinuous sensuality...wonderfully done!
i can see why you directed me to hear.
I love the way you've linked the verses together. Your use of this verse form is very successful.
very intriguing linking..I am now wondering whether a similar experiment could be done with images.
Love it!
Why it is that the paint has to hide something on the canvas? Why can't it bring something to light?
Sorry. That was the first thing that sprang into my head when I read that first stanza. Guess I'm tired of hiding and ready for another fight. I'd better get over that FAST. I'm tired of fighting.
Very nice! I like the three line layout I use it my self sometimes
Love how these lead into one another a dance indeed. Most enjoyable.Well done Guatami!
Oh, what a beautiful spiral! Love it!
I'm really enjoying your new style...
From painting to love. An excellent journey.
Wow!! A dancing poem you have written!!
this was a great ride.
interesting structure.. loved the veiled repetitions of words :)
this structure still interests me
like the end a lot:
"intensity for me-
equates to nuzzling
deeply into you
deeply into you
my pores
drenched with love"
(perfect for upcoming Valentine's Day" or any time...)
nicely done
love the interconnected ness and how it all develops and flows
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