Poetry for me is a way of living, it comes out of nowhere and I have to write it down. How I write, what I write, I decide. I am not asking you to be judgemental. I am gifted with the ability to see beyond the obvious.
Friday, July 24, 2009
clutch your fragrance to myself
in this timeless space, aeons away from you your fragrance drenches me I clutch it tightly wrapping it around myself and wonder as always how does a simple thought brings about your scent? "how and where in the world are mere speculations"
How beautiful, and how true. We often experience the scents that accompanied those now departed who we have loved. It means they are near to us still! :-)
Wonderful, G.T. I can imagine a reminder such as a scent reminding a person of a loved one. Or how a thought can remind of the person now apart from you, down to his or her fragrance. Hang on to that ability, aeons is a long, long, time to remember. My sense of smell has been ruined but I can still identify a smell I associate with a wet puppy dog. It turns up every now and then and brings me back to my boyhood days and my puppy. ..
Amazing! How well you capture the human emotion of nostalgia that spring from the remembrance of an unique fragrance.. I love the way the fragrance "drenches", makes one "clutch" it tightly, and "wrap" it around oneself..
It's amazing how thoughts, especially memories heighten the senses and quicken their memory! Scents and sounds seem to be dramatically prominant! Fascinating poem!
"Your fragrance drenches me"...that so aptly describes how powerful a fragrance can be when you smell it. The memories it evokes can overpower your senses. Beautifully done.
I like the opening feeling of being so unbearably far away from the adored one. He could merely be out for the day. No matter. The absence is just as long.
I love the opening again. The phrase "timeless space" says so much.
Lovely, so romantic :-)
This is beautiful :) Smell is such a powerful thing, they say its the sense most closely connected to memeory.
Wow, this evokes so much! It made me close my eyes and remember...
Scents are one of the strongest senses. It can evoke many memories as it has here in your poem. Well done.
Memories - very thought provoking piece.
Very romantic. Fragrances can evoke strong memories. Well done.
Very romantic. Fragrances can evoke strong memories. Well done.
I love this...
I just read the book Perfume.. amazing.. reminds me of it!
Ya probaly standing downwind!
Or was that suppose ta be up wind...
A lovely touch of romance today.
yes memory and scents are waved together. great poem
I love how you take words, shake them up and turn them upside down....wonderful
I love your ideas, they're very different. At the opening, one wonders how you'll link it to the given prompt. You do this task beautifully.
P.S. On an unrelated note, I've scored quite well in math - 94/100! Thanks for your good wishes!
I like the idea of the simple thought bringing on your scent--nice. I'm back from vacation.
romantic is what i always seek :)
Check out my prompt at
Where in the world
A beautiful and sensitive accounting of such a powerful pysical experience!
I love the way you write. It is very interesting how words or things can bring back memories and yes the smells of the past.
A special tension in this.
Best wishes
Yes, memories bring scents, just as scents bring memories.
How beautiful, and how true. We often experience the scents that accompanied those now departed who we have loved. It means they are near to us still! :-)
Wonderful, G.T. I can imagine a reminder such as a scent reminding a person of a loved one. Or how a thought can remind of the person now apart from you, down to his or her fragrance.
Hang on to that ability, aeons is a long, long, time to remember.
My sense of smell has been ruined but I can still identify a smell I associate with a wet puppy dog. It turns up every now and then and brings me back to my boyhood days and my puppy.
yes indeed it can be like this. Fragrance has amazing power to take us there! Beautiful poem.
To read this ...is to know
You know...love
and it has a definite scent of it`s own...you captured it so well in this poem.
Well done!
Amazing! How well you capture the human emotion of nostalgia that spring from the remembrance of an unique fragrance.. I love the way the fragrance "drenches", makes one "clutch" it tightly, and "wrap" it around oneself..
Scents speak to the animal senses, they are our oldest memory.
It's amazing how thoughts, especially memories heighten the senses and quicken their memory! Scents and sounds seem to be dramatically prominant! Fascinating poem!
"Your fragrance drenches me"...that so aptly describes how powerful a fragrance can be when you smell it. The memories it evokes can overpower your senses. Beautifully done.
such a strong link between scent and memory.
Such a fragrant and beautiful piece
Oh, wow! What a great reversal (for me and my expectations). I love the thought evoking the fragrance.
fragrance is eternal... beautiful piece you're written. :)
Oh such a beautifully written poem and so so true!
Where and how become mere speculations - when the fragrance is so wonderful.
exactly. this is why we sleep in shirts of lovers, when they are long gone.
Wow. This just had the punch.
Must be love! Ahhh the mystery of it all.
I like the opening feeling of being so unbearably far away from the adored one. He could merely be out for the day. No matter. The absence is just as long.
I have had this happen...sometime in reverse. I love the spare feel that evoked emotional response. You are so very good at this.
Wonderful poetry! it is so beautiful! I think this is your best ever (every single one of yours qualify for that tag)
I passed on an award for you...
interesting reversal of the way we typically see this
How does a simple thought do that? Wrap away!
Very nice, and what is so beautiful, you can interpret this many different ways, depending on the heart that is reading. Wonderful!
yes, it is so powerful- so well said.
Says a person who has been in love...
sensual and beautiful!
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