Sunday, May 31, 2009

the air hisses and crackles

my anger pours forth venom
leaves behind havoc
path is tarnished with acerbic words
flames are visible far away
the air hisses and crackles

"when rains douse the fire
there is nothing but hard ground"


anthonynorth said...

An angry poem today. It's good.

Jeeves said...

Wow. This touched me.

Edward S Gault said...

Rain can make a nice denouement, washing everything away.
Excellent poem!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Woo! What an extended metaphor linking fire and anger! But "hard ground", insensitive and impenetrable, is like the final, powerful "crunch line". Dynamic!

sgreerpitt said...

really thought provoking, gautami. If the fire is allowed to burn out rather than doused prematurely, then the ground might be cracked and fallow and ready for seed and new growth.

sage said...

Wow, are you writing for Zeus--or one of the lightning gods?

lissa said...

sounds like a angry sky or a person lashing out, just like weather, we release our emotions and sometimes clears out what makes us unhappy

Rosey said...

My goodness,you sound cross!Brilliant poem.

SandyCarlson said...

Indeed! Such fires do bake the earth.

Jim said...

Hi GT, this is another one (I counted 32 posts) using the 'hated fire.' If your friend did indeed burn in the car crash then I don't blame you at all.
One can never forget a death like that, of burning to death. Way back when I was young a friend of mine died in a gasoline station fire.
He worked there. A customer lit a cigarette and the whole station went up in flames.
I don't know if the customer survived or not. All I remember is that I lost a very good friend all for the ignorance of one.
I will never forget or forgive.

poefusion said...

Excellent way to express your anger. Hope the rains doused and refreshed your mind. If not, time can proceed to heal.

Whitesnake said...

Who rattled your cage?

Destinee said...

such strong words, "my anger pours forth venom" a great way to begin and an amazing ending.

when the musics over said...

I love the acetylene fire of these words! But your summary in the last lines is really beautiful. It resolves the anger and highlights its pointlessness.

Tumblewords: said...

Strong write - nothing but hard ground is a fine ending -

Janice Thomson said...

Love that brilliant ending Guatami.
Lots of ways to read this. Excellent.

gabrielle said...

Fire can be cleansing. Water extinguishes. Two very powerful elements at play.

Nothing but hard ground. What happened to the anger?

Lorraine said...

You write harshness, you write cold and dark, so beautifully...

zoya gautam said...

..intense & thought provoking ..many thanks ..