Thursday, September 23, 2010


in the remnants
I seek the aroma-
no, not yours.

into the skewed sky
it has wafted-
clouds are the witness.

I must get to it,
catch it, bottle it-
and throw it into a cavern

floorboards watch me,
each creak loud,
while I collect vacuum. 


Storm Dweller said...

Hmmm... there are some smells that should just be bottled and kept, that of a lover well loved is one.

Unknown said...

I loved that last stanza


Gemma@Greyscale said...

For me, this tells the tale of some twisted love that needs bottling to be discarded effectively! A most interesting piece of writing!

Amanda Moore said...

Very intense, second stanza is awesome I could feel the tension throughout!

cosmos cami said...

Loved this. Very nice.

Valued Jewels said...

I can think of a few smells I'd like to bottle. The smell of my boys hair after it's been washed, the way my man smells after he's taken a shower, and the way the air smells right before it rains.

Priyanka Bhowmick said...

very interesting piece as well i loved ur imagery here.. good work

Anonymous said...

The title is perfection. Love and Light, Sender

Carrie Van Horn said...

Such a powerful and well written is amazing...i love this one! :-)

Helen said...

If I could go back in time ... and capture the scents of my loves .... oh well, maybe it's best I can't! Nicely written ...

signed...bkm said...

mysterious and secretive and you have hidden for yourself...nice write...bkm

Tumblewords: said...

Intriguing and provocative. Your words soar with a mystical, magical sourcing.

Lyn said...

There are some things we just can't lose..nice and a bit of mystery!

Kristen Haskell said...

Interesting take for Acqua di Parma. I must go to my local Sephora to see if this one should be kept in a vacuum.

Lydia said...

For me this speaks of the frantic ways we want to hang onto lost love. The memory of a scent can be a tangible thing. Nice!

Jinksy said...

Chasing scent or rainbows? Both are equally elusive. I loved this bottled Magpie.

Anonymous said...

I really love the second stanza, beautiful poetry.

Harvee aka Gerry said...

Nice images. A little sad. Loved your Magpie. Here's my Sweet Sucess.

Weasel said...

An intense scene! =)


Jim Swindle said...

Interesting and creative.

Brian Miller said...

i love that last stanza...between the floorboards and the vaccum there is just something about it that says so much..nice magpie!

Reflections said...

love this one... felt like cloud wafting across the sky, searching for that found scent one is longing for.

Sue J said...

'throw it into a cavern' - is this to save it or to get rid of it, I wonder?
Great Magpie.

One Prayer Girl said...

Ah - the beautiful and mysterious link of smell and memory. Something to capture forever. Loved this Magpie.

Mine is up.


Tess Kincaid said...

Enigmatic last stanza. I like it!