Friday, December 21, 2007

"URL" option is back----Blogger Update!

**************Sticky Post--it stays on top for a while**************

Today when I clicked nickname to type my name after leaving my live link in post, I saw the
URL field opening up along with it. It is back! This time too they have not publicised it. So the onus lies on us bloggers to do so.

Do spread the word around, friends!

When you click on nickname, you will see the URL field opening up. Type in your name in the nickname field, Copy your blog URL, in the URL field and post! Clicking on the name links it directly to your blog URL.

As I was one of the vehement protesters when they took away that option, I am truly thrilled to bits. Google/Blogger had to get it back or lose out on blogger. Many I know have already left blogger. Even I was in the midst of it. I have already imported all my posts and comments to a WordPress blog. I was thinking of moving to it in the new year.

As all know, that is not an easy decision. A blog is like a child for most of us. We nurture it over a period of time. All of us like to get comments on our posts. Infact, we thrive on those. The world becomes so small for us. I have made some long lasting friends via the blog world, poets, writers, and many others who enrich our lives.

I thank all those who stood by us by not boycotting our blogs. I too hope those who did so would be back!

Hugs for all of you!


Robert Handward said...

One of the possibly very serious drawbacks of wordpress is that one can't put ads there. To be sure, I do use wordpress. There are some things I like a whole lot about it. The ability to see comments made in reply to comments is pleasant and the fact that one can conveniently get an RSS feed on all of a blogs comments are both handy. The lack of Javascript is a bit of an annoyance though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gautami,

I don't see the URL option here. It's the same as before with the Sign-In, the Nickname and Anonymous. Maybe it only offers the URL to those that have Blogger blogs.

I still think you should switch to Wordpress. You'll never look back.


Rose the Radical Rule Breaker :P


Anonymous said...

Gautami, I was given the option for URL under nickname, but I do have a blogspot blog still, just inactive. I saw Rose couldn't use it, I hope they open it up all the way!

storyteller said...

Perhaps the squeaky wheel does get the grease as they say. Just so you know, I got options for leaving a Nickname & Anonymous along with the sign-in drop down box, but no URL option. Of course, my account is with Blogger. Thanks for these public service announcements. Good luck with Word Press. I'm too new at all of this to even consider at change at this point.
Hugs and blessings,

storyteller said...

Oh .. and now (too late to take it back) I notice the instructions above this box. Sigh --- sorry and thanks again.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Hey Gautami. Thanks for tipping me off about the URL option. I'm trying it now...fingers crossed that it works!

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to include my name. Let's try that again...

david santos said...

Hi Gautami,

I wish you a good end of 2007 and a good year of 2008.

Pat said...

Wel done Gautami! Peace and love for 2008.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Ooh, I hope it stays like this!

I'm considering a WordPress shift, too. Especially if I can use it the way I hope I can and expand my blogging repetoire. (how on Earth do you spell that word??? Ugh.)

gP said...

YAY! Read it in Blogger Buzz.

So true, blogs are like babies to us. I dont know what Ill do without one. :(

Anonymous said...

Wordpress has the same option which you have to type/paste your address in so this nickname/url option helped me to make the decision to stay at Blogger. You can't change your template all that much with wordpress and you can't use other templates that's not in the wordpress selection.

Blogger had done the right thing by putting back the url options. Hooray!!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

It's weird....I am unable to click on your name at all in the Email...Which I find a handy thing to do....But, your name is not clickable in the email....! HMMMMM. Isn't that weird?

I have never put in a nickname and I see the URL ready for mine opened up without any nickname.....I find it all very confusing....And, the URL opttion isn't here on your comment page....OY! LOL!

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Wishing you happiness, love, peace and joy during this Christmas Season. Don

Romeo Morningwood said...

but wordpress is so drab and sterile...blecch..

I had a protest blog over there the last time that GoogBloogger went all fercokt.

Score one for the little guy!

iamnasra said...

Greeting for X-Mas and the New Year..Let me know if you will change your blog ...I do want to continue visiting you

trinitystar said...


“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”
Best wishes for the new year.
Happy HOliday
ps ... cannot join the debate ... sorry!

Anonymous said...

it is through Blogger that i know about you and your works ( and floots and pat and polona and..)so yes, i think i will stick with Blogger for a while.

i am trying out the nickname thingy..

Beau Brackish said...

Hi Gautami:

Thank you the comment you left on my site. You have been a wonderful blogging friend and a true inspiration. Your constant encouragement has helped me grow as a writer, and has given me hope I can write poetry.

I hope you, your muse and your mighty talented pen have a very prosperous new year!

Suzanne said...

There are a lot of people who like to read poetry. Do what makes your heart sing! Thank you for visiting....I think it's very cool that someone in India came by to read a blog entry. Best wishes to you!

boneman said...

Kind of want to tell everybody
Goldfish bowl (wee fish)
a baby lamb (ewe)
a girl horse (mare)
some herons (egrets)
and a moose (not Bullwinkle, even though I'm a big fan.)
So, repeat that two more times and end with an ear hopping along the ground and you have:

Wee Fish Ewe A Mare Egrets Moose
Wee Fish Ewe A Mare Egrets Moose
Wee Fish Ewe A Mare Egrets Moose

and a hoppy new ear!

Actually, I don't get it.
Without the "url feed openning up" as you say, I've still been one click away from connecting to whoever comments.
But, if you want it filled in, well, ok. Your wish is my command.

Anonymous said...

Irrespective of what Blogger does/doesn't do, EVERYONE should blog on WordPress with his/her own domain name. The software is so superior to Blogger's that I would have to write a treatise to explain all the differences.

You won't lose readers. You just upload your old Blogger posts and comments into WordPress and install the Redirection plugin. Anyone who types in your old Blogger address lands on your WordPress site. Try it with my old Blogger site: You will find yourself at Colloquium. :-)

Hosting options are extremely cheap - - some as little as $5.00/month which you can easily make with a couple of Google ads.

Once you switch, you will wonder why you hesitated.

Sales pitch over now. :-)

Come on by for the Carnival of Family Life at midnight tonight (Pacific time). We have a LOT of wonderful entries this week!

Kai said...

hope you enjoy your xmas

Crafty Green Poet said...

Not only is the nickname option now open you can sign in using the drop down option box at the top. As far as i know this gives you a direct link behind your name whatever blogging platform you use. I'm certainly sticking with Blogger, I've never seen anything to tempt me away but maybe I'm too easily pleased

Bill said...

Anyway, best of the season, gautami, and good wishes for the new year.